Monday, March 19, 2012

Small Dog Alert!

It's so windy in Fargo this morning that the radio station KFGO has called a 'small dog alert'. hahahaha.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Five minute day!

I didn't think we GOT five minute days down here. Five minute day as in we got an extra five minutes of daylight today. Amazing.

It's not noon and it's still mid-March, yet it's 65' outside. And humid. Ick! I had the windows open until I realized this place was getting positively soggy. Just not used to humidity here!

A batch of oatmeal/raisin cookies in the oven. I've been meaning to bake them for weeks now. The secret? I'm supposed to be cleaning the play room. Baking cookies won out. Interesting how that works.

Tulips are up - some perennials are creeping up, including lots of iris. Someone yesterday said they saw trees budding out. oh-oh. Someone in Bismarck mentioned snow in the forecast. Guess I'll spend a few evenings covering up plants. That's a minor payment for the great weather we've had so far.


ps - finished Jane Eyre. Now I'm on to Kidnapped. WWDD?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Pat's Day socks. oops

So close and yet so far. :-) Won't be wearing these green socks today. But I've learned!!! NEVER put the date on anything. St. Pat's Day socks...2012?...2013?...201?????

BIG day. ND Democratic party meeting this weekend - and Bill Clinton will be here! He came during the 1997 flood, got GF/EGF federal money (along with Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy) - and now he can see how the federal government saved us. YES! The government stepped in and helped when it was too large a problem for the communities to solve. GOOD government. BIG government. I'm not afraid to love it.

And it's a stunningly beautiful day. We're all kind of waiting for the next blizzard to hit, but until then - it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Corned beef going into the crockpot - cabbage, potatoes, and carrots are involved, too. And a bit o'beer.

Happy St. Pat's Day!