Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tour de Fleece Ends!

Today is the end of the Tour de France and Tour de Fleece. I think I managed to watch at least some of the racing every day even while traveling. I didn't spin everyday, however. I had a good time, though, and learned lots more about the race itself. And the teamwork involved. Stunning.

Eight ounces of plied "Moulin Rouge" will become mittens and hats.
Four ounces of plied "Cottage Garden" will be mitts/hats - and four ounces singles will be woven into a scarf. (Rigid heddle - my Christmas present to myself, I think)
Finally, 8 ounces of natural New Zealand wool - this will go into the pile ready for "August - the Month to Dye For"!

Today is also my mom's birthday. How appropriate that the last day of the tour ended in Paris - and the only time I've been to Paris was with my family years and years ago - and that it is her birthday. Happy Birthday, Vik.

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