Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Birthday, North Dakota!

Full Moon Rising Nov. 2, 2009
Originally uploaded by fiberbrarian
November 2, 1889 North Dakota (and South Dakota) were admitted as the 39th and 40th of the United States. My grandpa Van was part of a homesteading family in what was to become South Dakota. Pretty hardy stock - those people who settled here. Hardy - or committed or stubborn or adventurous - or all of these attributes were required to live here. It's not an easy place even now. But the rewards are beyond measure.

This morning as I walked to work - crisp morning air - full moon still visible in the western sky - a honking V of geese flew over head into the rising sun. A spectacular place even within the confines of the 21st century.

Happy 120th birthday, North (and South) Dakota!

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